Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Musings 2/3/14

It's been a while since I shared some musings on a Monday.  But here are some thoughts for today:

1. It is much less fun to watch Super Bowl commercials when you have already seen them.  
In the past, Super Bowl Sunday always gave me three things to look forward to: exciting game, entertaining halftime show, and new unique commercials.  Last nights game was clearly not what anyone expected, but I definitely knew what was coming with the commercials. I say this because I had seen a majority online or on tv in two weeks leading up to last night.  Apparently the advertising world is now "teasing" Super Bowl commercials to get people excited to watch them during the big game.  I found this had the opposite effect for me.  Instead of eagerly watching each commercial last night, I found myself getting distracted to do other things after saying "Eh.  I've seen this already."  Anyone else feel this way?  I understand that clips become popular online, but why not release them AFTER the Super Bowl?

2. There are way too many delicious looking treats to bake on Pinterest. 
I love to bake but I don't do it as frequently as I'd like to. Everytime I go on Pinterest to find a new recipe inspiration, I suddenly find 10-20 new recipies for beautiful baked creations. Of course, all of the recipies also have photos of a magazine cover worthy finished product. These delicious images get pinned to my "yum" board and then hang out there forever.  I repeat this exercise every couple of weeks but I can unfortunately report that I have only attempted to ever make only one item.  Obviously I can't bake constantly (since D and I need to eat real food ;-), but I've decided I'm going to try to actually bring a post on the "yum" board to life once a month.  

3. I don't mind snow but...
I hate slush. And that seems to be what is outside all the time now. :-(

4. Spin shoes are amazing
After years of regularly attending spin classes at the gym, I had been told by many instructors that having real bike shoes with clips would allow me to get more out of my workout.  I always put this advice on the back burner since I felt like spinning with regular sneakers was fine and it was easier to not change shoes.  Last week I finally purchased my own new pair of spinning of shoes.  Wow.  They really do make a huge difference!  Now I can feel both the down AND up pedal strokes.  My next adventure will be to see what all the hype is at Soulcycle and Flywheel.  I'll keep everyone posted. 

That's it for now!  February boxes should start arriving soon....

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