Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday Musings 11/4/13

My "Monday Musing" post is a little late this week, but I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel and call it "Thoughts on Tuesday" just yet.  Here are few of my random musings as November gets started.

1.  Halloween time seemed to last forever this year
I love any chance to dress up (especially in costume), so I've always been a fan of Halloween.  This year though, it seemed like the Halloween season was never ending.  I can't quite logically think of why.  Of course it extended even longer since the actual day was on a Thursday so D and I continued to see people dressed in costumes all weekend.  Perhaps people celebrated extra this year after Sandy ended much of last years festivities?  I'm convinced people are just starting to celebrate holidays approximately 1-2 months early.  That brings me to my next thought.

2.  Apparently the Christmas season begins on November 1.
The Christmas season beginning early is not a new phenomenon, but now it really seems like as soon as Halloween is over (and in some cases even before) it's time to start getting ready for Christmas.  There have been Christmas commercials on TV for at least 2 weeks now and many stores have already decked the halls with boughs of holly.  As I start to hear Christmas carols, I secretly fear holiday festivity burn out.  I'm going to do my best to keep my distance and continue to enjoy the beauty of a November autumn (and pumpkin season!) before I start drinking egg nog.

3.  Why are all the best TV shows on Sunday night?
Maybe it's just in this house, but it seems like on Sunday night there are too many things on TV especially when it seems like there is nothing on the rest of the week.  There is also football to watch during the afternoon.  Thank goodness for DVR.  Clearly this is a first world problem, but it is truly amazing that there aren't many shows we regularly follow that don't originally air on Sunday nights.  This leads to....

4. Yes, I have been watching Teen Mom 3.
I don't know why, but I continue to watch this show.  It seems like the families on this season have even more problems than usual.  I know there have been critics of the show saying how the show glamorizes the situation these people live with, but I really don't see how that's possible.  I end up feeling bad for all of them.  :-(   It's actually quite a downer to watch (again - why I keep watching, I have no idea).  Good thing the season is almost over.

5.  I may have messed up boxed brownies.
Usually I do all my baking from scratch, but I decided to give a batch of boxed brownies a try since we found a box while cleaning out some cabinets over the weekend.  I don't know if it's our taste buds who have gotten picky or if I possibly added too many walnuts (D asked for them to be nutty), but they ended up being a disappointment.  Has this happened to anyone else?  The texture was perfect, but the chocolaty taste was lacking.  Looks like I'll have to make another batch from scratch soon for a scientific comparison.... ;-)

6.  Instagram makes me feel like an old person.
I have an Instagram account and I'm going to make a real effort to begin posting on it - hashtags and all.      Since I seem to only be using it as a way to post random photos like I do on Facebook, I'm sure I'm missing the boat on how to use the app at its full potential.  Any tips would be appreciated.

That's all for today!  Hopefully November boxes will begin to arrive any day now!


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