Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 2013 Barkbox

Elvis' favorite box arrived this weekend!  As much as we love the toys and treats in every Barkbox, Elvis has not been able to finish all his treats by the time the next box arrives.  After our 6 months are up (January will be the last box), we're going to put Barkbox on temporary hiatus until we need to replenish our treat supply again.

With that said, the November box did not disappoint!

The first item has already become one of Elvis' favorites.  It's a plush Zucchini by Pet Lifestyle and You (P.L.A.Y)  (retail: $9.50).  This toy is eco friendly and also seems pretty durable.  It's squeaky and  it's pretty funny to watch Elvis carry around something that is the size of a real vegetable.  (apologies for the action shot being a bit blurry)

The next item is a 2-pack of N-bones (retail: $4.50).  These are supposed to help with proper oral hygiene which is great because I'm embarrassed to admit Elvis won't let me brush his teeth.  Elvis already enjoyed one and ate it pretty quickly.

Next we have some mac-and-cheese treats from Bocce's Bakery (retail: $9.50).  These only have four ingredients: organic barley flour, cheese, turkey bacon, and truffles.  Interesting all the ingredients also claim to be "human grade."  Elvis is going to go crazy for these.

Still more treats!  Happy Howie's Turkey Sausages (retail $3) can be cut into smaller sizes.  These will be great for training or to take on walks.

Elvis' actually got TWO of the last item of the box.  He got a bonus Etta Says Deer 7-inch Chew (retail: $3 each --> $6).  Sometimes Elvis likes these types of treats but sometimes he doesn't know what to do with them.  I guess we'll see how this one turns out.

Overall a great barkbox with a total value of $32.50.  There are too many treats for Elvis to consume in 1 month though so it makes sense to put this box on hiatus for a while after January.  Does anyone else find that Barkbox delivers more treats than can be consumed in 1 month?

If you are interested in trying Barkbox, please use my link!  You'll get $5 off and Elvis will also get a free box.


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