Friday, July 26, 2013

July 2013 Fancy Box

And now for another first time review for the blog: Fancy Box! is sort of like pinterest for things you can buy.  They have a whole bunch of fun items in a variety of categories.  Their "Fancy Box" selects some items of their site supposedly catered to you based on the categories you are interested in and sends them your way for $39.  They also have monthly celebrity curated boxes, but I've only tried the regular one.  The categories I have checked are  "Women's", "Home", "Gadgets", "Media", and "Sports and Outdoors."  Other categories I could have chosen from are "Men's", "Kids", "Pets", and "Workspace."

This box is actually pretty large.  The items inside are usually pretty random but it can produce fun items to potentially gift later on.

First up we have the Aqua Pouch Speaker for iPhones (retail price $20).  It's an interesting idea but I don't really think we will ever actually use this - especially since we both own waterproof iPhone cases.        The item is basically a fancy waterproof bag with a speaker attached.  This goes in the gift pile.  

The next item I was definitely intrigued by - the Chef'n Veggichop (retail price $19.99).  It's a little hand held food processor AND is in my favorite color green.  This will be perfect for making fresh salsa/guacamole!

Another item from Chef'n was included this month - the Burger Machine (retail price $14.07).  A cute idea, but I don't think this is something we need either.  I like the non-uniform shape of homemade patties.  ;-)  Another item for the gift pile.

Next up is a pair of sunglasses from the Fancy Wayfarer (retail price $30).  I wouldn't purchase these for $30 on their own, but they are actually pretty cute.  These will be perfect for outdoor adventures when I'm concerned about potentially loosing/damaging my good pair of sunglasses. 

Finally I received a Shark Tooth Necklace by Sophie Sparrow (retail price $40).  I'm still debating if I like this or not.  The dentist in me likes all things tooth related, but I don't really know if this is my style.  I'm going to think about it for a few days and then decide if it's something I will actually wear or if it makes it's way to the gift pile. 

Overall some interesting items this month even though not a lot we will necessarily be using.  In terms of being introduced to interesting products I wasn't familiar with, the box was definitely successful.  The overall value of the box is also definitely a bargin ($124).  I think Fancy Box has one more month to wow me and if not, I think I'll take a break from this one.

Interested in trying Fancy Box?  Please use my link!

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